Friday, September 20, 2013

It's about to get pretty inappropriate up in here!!!

So I know we all have those "OMG, you will NEVER believe what happened at school today" stories.  I have plenty, but I want to share one with you that happened yesterday!

Oh geez... where to begin... Well, this sweet child walks up to his K5 teacher and shows her the "squishy bracelet" that another one of their classmates gave to him.  The teacher gives the usual "Oh, that's nice..." and then really looks at this bracelet.

This child has a CONDOM on his wrist!  I'm not sure exactly how he was wearing it, did they poke a hole in it and stick their hand through, or did they roll it out and tie it on?  Who knows?!  Anyway, she very sweetly tells him that those kind of bracelets aren't allowed at school and takes it from him.  Then she has to go up in front of the class and ask if anyone else got a special present from that child.  No one did, thank goodness, but when they opened the kids' book bag, it had about 15 more condoms in it!

I imagine that was a pretty embarrassing phone call home to THAT parent.  Hahaha!  Well, this kid gets pretty upset that the teacher took all of his special bracelets away, so he bolts out the door.  They go after him, but he's a quick little bugger, so administration is called.  At one point, I'm in my room and I can see the principal chasing this kid across the front lawn.  Dear oh dear!

I would love to hear some more "OMG stories" from all of you!  Please share in the comments!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Name Projects...

So I've been working with my two awesome Art ladies this month, and we are doing lesson planning together.  We did some great beginning of the year lessons using the kids names.  I'll illustrate a few below and tell you about them!  On most of the examples, I went over a lesson on Pop Art before we started.  I taught them all about Pop Art and the artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claus Oldenberg, and Jasper Johns.

This is one inspired by Zentangle designs, it's a 5th grade project.  We had the kids draw a fish, then do their name really big on the inside.  Then in each space in between they did patterns and designs.  After they were completed, I had the kids cut the fish out and glue them down on colored paper.  The color really makes the black and white fish POP off the page.

This one is also based on Zentangle designs, but it's more of a Zentangle mountain of letters.  Also a 5th grade lesson. The kids could do their name or their initials.  They filled in the spaces in between with patterns and designs.  Then, they color the letters neatly with markers.

This one I did with 2nd grade. We talked about bubble letters and how to do them, then they wrote their name with pencil on black paper. After they got it how they wanted it, they traced their name with white crayon, then did colored patterns in the background with construction paper crayons, which are totally awesome!

In this lesson I taught the kids about the crayon resist technique. They drew their names big on white paper and traced over them heavily with a black crayon. Then they did patterns and designs in between the letters, and were careful not to color them in. During the next class, we painted the white background with watercolors paints, and I got the expected Ooohs and Aaahs when the crayon would push the water away.

This was a quick 3rd Grade lesson.  They drew their name and then went around and around it with marker.  It was surprising how easy it was for some, and how hard it was for others.

And last my 4th Grade lesson.  We talked about Pop Art and also symmetry.  Then we divided the paper up like you see below and drew names and patterns in the spaces.  They colored it carefully and neatly with markers.

For my Kindergarten class, I printed out their names on white paper and had them practice coloring neatly.  They're a mess and I only see them for 30 minutes at a time!  I never get anything done!  Oh well, slow and steady!  I'm really enjoying this school year and I'm excited to post more pictures of what we've been working on soon!

Friday, August 30, 2013

So... Hello Again...

Yeah... *cough* let's completely ignore how I posted two things and then never posted again the entire school year.  Ha!

A lot of stuff happened last school year, and the blog really got put on the back burner.  I won't go into all of it, but let's just say, I started looking for a new job.  AND FOUND ONE!  So now I'm in a different school district, and I'm super happy where I am.  Now, I don't want you to think I got fired.  I was just working in an environment that I found hostile, and I really needed to get out of that situation for my own health.

Also, blogger is not the easiest website to get to work on the school computers.  It really will not load for me half the time.  So I will TRY MY BEST to keep up with the blog this year, but we will see.

So, more about my new job!  I am now teaching Art full time!  At my other school I was .8 Art and .2 Gifted and Talented.  Which I HATED.  I loved the kids, but I went to school to teach Art, not to be a classroom teacher.  And teaching the gifted kids is like being a classroom teacher (times 100!) because the kids are so smart and need that much extra work and motivation.  It was really sucking the life out of me having to go home and STUDY before I taught these kids a lesson each week.  So I'm very happy to finally just be doing what I am passionate about, which is Art and Art Club!

BUT!  I am between two schools.  I am at one school Monday and Tuesday, and I am at another school Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I'm fine with it right now, I've got two classrooms, and all the supplies I need.  I'm working with two great Lead Art Teachers who I've really clicked with and they are making it so much fun!  At one school, I was in danger of being ART ON A CART!!!!11!!1!!1!  But my lead over there made sure I had a space!  LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!

So hopefully this year I will have a TON of new lessons to share and we can chat about all the troubles of working between two schools and dragging your art supplies from the storage closet all the way down to the science lab to teach your lessons.  I'm looking forward to it actually!

I'm HAPPY about going to work for the first time in five years you guys!!!  HAPPY!!!

Some of the teachers invited me out for "carbs, sugars, and protein" after work today!  I will let you take from that what you will!  ;-)