Friday, September 20, 2013

It's about to get pretty inappropriate up in here!!!

So I know we all have those "OMG, you will NEVER believe what happened at school today" stories.  I have plenty, but I want to share one with you that happened yesterday!

Oh geez... where to begin... Well, this sweet child walks up to his K5 teacher and shows her the "squishy bracelet" that another one of their classmates gave to him.  The teacher gives the usual "Oh, that's nice..." and then really looks at this bracelet.

This child has a CONDOM on his wrist!  I'm not sure exactly how he was wearing it, did they poke a hole in it and stick their hand through, or did they roll it out and tie it on?  Who knows?!  Anyway, she very sweetly tells him that those kind of bracelets aren't allowed at school and takes it from him.  Then she has to go up in front of the class and ask if anyone else got a special present from that child.  No one did, thank goodness, but when they opened the kids' book bag, it had about 15 more condoms in it!

I imagine that was a pretty embarrassing phone call home to THAT parent.  Hahaha!  Well, this kid gets pretty upset that the teacher took all of his special bracelets away, so he bolts out the door.  They go after him, but he's a quick little bugger, so administration is called.  At one point, I'm in my room and I can see the principal chasing this kid across the front lawn.  Dear oh dear!

I would love to hear some more "OMG stories" from all of you!  Please share in the comments!


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